Virtual Access Internet is an offline Mail and News Reader for Windows Introduction: ============= This version of Virtual Access is for Windows 3.x, it is a single user version and may be used freely. Virtual Access is also available as a 32 bit app for WindowsNT and Windows95. It is released as advertisement for it's bigger brothers, Virtual Access Professional and Virtual Access Workgroup. Some of the facilities of the Virtual Access Professional/Workgroup are not available in Virtual Access Internet. These are support for multiple news servers, CompuServe, CIX, and multiple users logged on and sharing the same messagebase. Some files have been left out of this archive such as the dictionary files to minimise it's size Installation Instructions: ========================== To install Virtual Access just run the vanet16.exe program included in this archive. It will begin the installation process, you will then be guided through the installation process by 'wizard' style dialogs. Most of the dialogs have info buttons that explain the choices available and the implications of those choices. All of the files of Virtual Access are installed into one directory, (that you choose) except for ctl3dv2.dll, which will be installed into the windows system directory. However if you already have a copy of that file there then we will place a backup copy of ctl3dv2.dll into the ~\vapath\backup\ directory. Support for Virtual Access: =========================== Support for Virtual Access Internet is via the ashmount news server,, which is available inside Virtual Access as the Ashmount service. Virtual Access comes complete with messages that describe the features and facilities of Virtual Access, and how to set it up and get going. Please take the time and trouble to read them after installing they will show you how to setup and use Virtual Access. Where to Find Virtual Access: ============================= Freeware, Virtual Access Internet (16 bit version) (32 bit version) Virtual Access Professional/Workgroup (Note : This is a 30 day evaluation version - runs on 30 different days before timing out) (16 bit version) (32 bit version) Manuals (Word6 for Windows) (Letter format) (A4 format) We hope that you enjoy Virtual Access and look forward to hearing from you 4-April-1996 Ashmount Research